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Scene Graph

Collaboration diagram for Scene Graph:

Detailed Description

Classes for creating and manipulating scene graphs.




class  Animator
 Abstract base class for animating portions of a scene graph. More...
class  AutoSwitch
 Automatic switching between child objects. More...
class  Blending
 Controls blending. More...
class  BoundingBox
 An axis-aligned bounding box. More...
class  Camera
 A camera in 3-space. More...
class  Circle
 A disc in the z=0 plane. More...
class  Cone
 a Cone More...
class  Culling
 Controls backface culling. More...
class  Curve
 A Bezier curve. More...
class  Cylinder
 a Cylinder More...
class  DepthTest
 Controls depth testing. More...
class  Examiner
 Translates mouse movement into a rotation. More...
class  Group
 Groups related scene graph nodes together. More...
class  Light
 Encapsulates an OpenGL light. More...
class  Material
 Sets material properties. More...
class  MatrixMode
 Selects the current OpenGL matrix. More...
class  Mesh
 A triangle mesh. More...
class  Node
 Abstract base class representing a scene graph node. More...
class  OrthographicCamera
 An orthographic camera. More...
class  PerspectiveCamera
 A perspective camera. More...
class  Primitive
 A variable-vertex primitive. More...
class  Quadric
 A quadric surface. More...
class  Rotator
 Rotates a portion of a scene graph over time. More...
class  Separator
 Separates child objects from the rest of a scene graph. More...
class  Shader
 A GLSL shader program. More...
class  Shape
 Abstract base class representing a three-dimensional shape. More...
class  Shuttle
 Moves a portion of a scene graph along a specified circuit. More...
class  Sphere
 a Sphere More...
class  State
 Changes, enables, or disables part of the OpenGL state. More...
class  StencilTest
 Controls stencil testing. More...
class  Switch
 Groups objects and selects one of those objects for rendering. More...
class  Teapot
 The Utah teapot. More...
class  Tetrahedron
 A tetrahedron (4-sided regular polyhedron). More...
class  TexEnv
 Controls how texture values are interpreted when texturing a fragment. More...
class  TexGen
 Controls texture coordinate generation. More...
class  Texture
 Abstract base class for an OpenGL texture. More...
class  TextureState
 Abstract base class for objects affecting the current texture state. More...


typedef Primitive< GL_POLYGON > LVT::Polygon
 A Polygon.
typedef Primitive< GL_LINE_STRIP > LVT::Polyline
 A Polyline.
typedef Primitive< GL_TRIANGLE_FAN > LVT::TriFan
 A Triangle fan.
typedef Primitive< GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP > LVT::TriStrip
 A Triangle strip.

Typedef Documentation

typedef Primitive<GL_POLYGON> Polygon

A Polygon.

typedef Primitive<GL_LINE_STRIP> Polyline

A Polyline.

typedef Primitive<GL_TRIANGLE_FAN> TriFan

A Triangle fan.

typedef Primitive<GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP> TriStrip

A Triangle strip.

Generated on Thu Feb 17 09:45:47 2005 for liblvt by  doxygen 1.4.1