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Vec Member List

This is the complete list of members for Vec, including all inherited members.

AngleBetween(const Vec &v) const Vec [inline]
Cross(const Vec &rhs) const Vec [inline]
Distance(const Vec &v) const Vec [inline]
Distance(const class Plane &p) const Vec [inline]
Dot(const Vec &rhs) const Vec [inline]
Length() const Vec [inline]
Normalize() const Vec [inline]
operator *=(float rhs)Vec [inline]
operator *=(const Vec &rhs)Vec [inline]
operator const float *() const Vec [inline]
operator float *()Vec [inline]
operator+=(const Vec &rhs)Vec [inline]
operator-() const Vec [inline]
operator-=(const Vec &rhs)Vec [inline]
operator/=(float rhs)Vec [inline]
operator==(const Vec &rhs) const Vec [inline]
operator[](int i) const Vec [inline]
Projection(const Vec &v) const Vec [inline]
Projection(const class Plane &p) const Vec [inline]
Set(float x, float y, float z, float w=1.0)Vec [inline]
Vec()Vec [inline]
ZeroVector()Vec [inline, static]

Generated on Thu Feb 17 09:45:48 2005 for liblvt by  doxygen 1.4.1